So I learned it is a law of nature in my life that everytime my head blows up to twice its size there is always an occurrence to bring it back to normal size once more.
In French class I learnt that the French ‘faire’ everything. Faire = do. So the French, they ‘faire la cuisine’, they ‘faire du velo’, they faire un drame, they ‘faire de la natation’ in their ‘piscines’, they ‘faire’ every blessed thing. One day we were asked by our teacher what we ‘faire’ at work so that the rest of us could guess each other’s professions. In a class full of software engineers everyone said they faired with their blessed computers so there wasn’t any guessing to do; except in my case, having chosen this dratted profession as my life’s calling, I always stick out like a cabbage in a hardware store. I rather smugly said that I faire avec charcoal. Whereupon the French teacher screeched
“You work with charcoal? You are a chef!!!!”
Non madame, je suis illustrateuse…
LOL! Beautiful & hilarious :)
"M****!" ??? Mais qu'est-ce que cela veut dire ? Are you faireing a bad word there Priya ? You have faire shocked me...
But your drawings are most fair to gaze upon, you have faired them very well, so we shall forgive you, now that you have faired us to a fare-thee-well.
Have a fine weekend... and what are you going to faire this weekend?
Cher Owen, perhaps you can ask your French friends in Paris what the M word means? As always it has to be you who finds out the little secrets I insert into some of my blog posts :-D
Je travaille beaucoup ce week-end. Je ne faire pas blog surfing mais seulement blog posting. For a while.
Merci for the kind words on my efforts at fairing with charcoal.
What Akhila said :-)
You cook things with charcoal that can only be eaten with the eyes. (and they are sumptuous.)
That must be one of the most beautiful and unusual comments I have ever received Karine. Thank you :-)
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