Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Love in Benglur

I am not even going to attempt to translate this into English lest it dilute the flavour and humour that is inherent in the language. For non-Kannada speakers - the young Romeo has tried out a shady pick-up line and the disinterested babe has rebuffed him. 


Sophie Munns said...

The intracies of language....we can only imagine!

Happy 2013 Priya. I so enjoyed reading your recent blogs posts in one go. Not getting enough time to tour the blogosphere these days...but always love to see what you are up to and send my very best wishes from Brisbane.
If you ever come back here to visit... please write and tell me! You are welcome to come for dinner at my studio!

Veda said...

hahahahaha! this one's fab!
