Friday, March 17, 2017


The picture above shows beautiful sheets of drawing paper including some extra large sheets of excellent imported paper at half the price I pay for a sheet of Canson. I also got 100 sheets of regular tracing paper to cover my work. 

For the 20 years I've been going to Marudhar Papers, I struggled with them in my Hindi and they struggled with me with their English. There was a certain amount of brusqueness from them. Discounts were grudging. Then this time suddenly a barrier broke when I tried Kannada and they, Marwadis, replied in perfect Kannada. I praised them: How well you speak Kannada! They blushed and became extra accommodating. "We know you have been coming to us for a long time!" Just before I left they said, "Wait madam, gift, gift!" and gifted me this nice spiral bound notebook. I am totally floored.