Monday, February 23, 2015


When you take a flying leap, you expect to land with a thud, and then, after a period of dithering around, you expect to grow roots and stay put. But things never quite turn out how you expect them to; so here I am suspended in mid-air for what seems to be a very lengthy amount of time. When I look around me, much to my surprise, I find everything else is suspended in mid-air  too. I am told that this, what I am experiencing is called ‘Middle of Winter’. 

The sky turns the colour of snow and the bare black skeletons of nature suspend themselves within it. 

When water doesn’t turn into white ice, it turns into black pools, curious dark shapes floating in the middle of nowhere with wisps of smoke coming out of them. 

I look at this beauty with the same incredulity that one looks at outer space shots taken by NASA. 

But I will not idealize. The pristine snow outside Montreal turns into brown sludge within the city, the extreme cold gets maddening, the bulky clothes heavy and tiresome and the lack of sunlight goes interminably on until you forget that there was something called colour and life and brilliance. 


Sophie Munns said...

Gob-smacking stunning work and thoughts Priya!!!

Sharmon Davidson said...

The middle of winter - you express it so well!!

Priya Sebastian said...

Thank you Sophie and Sharmon. I am always delighted and encouraged when readers pause at my blog to leave a thoughtfully worded comment, however brief, to express their appreciation for my posts. Most readers have gravitated towards the Facebook but I still prefer the blog and the friendships I make here as a result of these comments.

Mridula said...

Stunning drawings. I can feel and see the 'middle of winter' through them.

Julie said...

This is so beautiful, you've captured the soul of winter Priya. I love seeing this season through your eyes!

zoe said...

what beautiful imagery (the drawings and the words) to express such a profoundly difficult feeling-- it helps!! thank you for the wonderful post!

Priya Sebastian said...

Thank you Mridula! I'm glad you can :-)

Priya Sebastian said...

Julie, many many thanks to you for showing me the beauty of winter outside the city. A lot of inspiration for these drawings was derived from my last visit there!

Priya Sebastian said...

I am glad it helps Zoe. It helped me too. I was glad to make this post.